Krista Rizzo

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Love What Matters

[et_pb_section admin_label="section"][et_pb_row admin_label="row"][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text"] It's Pay It Forward Friday you guys! I know it's been a little while since I've done one of these, but I'm now committing to doing one every week because I think it's important to maybe introduce you to a charity, organization or movement that you don't know about where you can make a difference .

This week is about #lovewhatmatters. For those of you who aren't in the know about this well lemme tell ya about it. It was started in September 2015 (like, a minute ago) and it's based on the idea that there are lots of good people in the world celebrating life with amazing stories. So they take those stories and make them public. They're all over social media, I know I can't get through my Facebook feed without seeing at least a few from Love What Matters. The stories are heartwarming, inspiring, tear jerking and good feeling. They make you WANT to be better. They make you WANT to love what matters.

This message is so important, especially today in our world where so much emphasis is put on stuff that really doesn't matter. We should all stop and take a moment to love what matters every day. Expand it beyond our immediate inner circle, pay it forward to someone we don't even know. And it doesn't have to be with material things. Yesterday we were walking to school and there was a girl in front of us with a pair of fantastic red shoes on so when we passed her, I made eye contact and told her how fab I thought they were...she lit up with the biggest smile, said thank you and had a new spring in her red shooed step. Make someone feel good, pay them a compliment, help a kid cross the street, smile and say good morning to a passer by. It doesn't take a lot, but it matters.

So today, on this gorgeous (at least in NYC) spring sunshiney day - make it matter, love what matters and have a fantastic day!!

To find out more about this amazing initiative, check out their website, and follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I guarantee once you start reading these stories you'll be waiting for the next one to pop up! #LoveWhatMatters

