Krista Rizzo

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[et_pb_section admin_label="section"][et_pb_row admin_label="row"][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text"] Last day of wishes you guys...and today I wish for you...LOVE. The one emotion that can be the highest high or the lowest low. The one feeling we experience that that can rock us the core. The one thing that can make us do crazy things....yep, that love. Tonight as we get ready to clutter under the tree with gifts for our loved ones, take a look around you and feel the love. The love of all the holiday cards displayed on your mantles of your friends and families, the love of the people you had the pleasure of spending the day with, the love of the excitement of your children that Santa is coming tonight. Hold in your hearts the joy that love brings, remember a time in your life when you thought you would explode from an overwhelming feeling of love and be grateful for it. Never stop saying I love you. Never stop appreciating it. Never forget how it makes you feel to hear it.

My wish for you is love...may you be blessed with love from near and far, from friends and family, especially from the kids and the pets (because let's be honest, it's the sloppy kisses we like the best!).

I love you guys...Merry Christmas!


