Find Your "It"

I haven't been able to stop thinking about the notes Patrick Turner, age 16, left for his parents, friends and teachers before he took his life last week. On the outside, Patrick seemed like a regular kid. Active in sports, worked hard in school, lived in an affluent community. On the inside there was a different story going on. One that is playing out more frequently these days. One that has made me take pause at my "why" to focus on my "it."

When I started coaching, the popular marketing thing was to find your "why" - your reason for why you do what you do. I started coaching because I wanted to make an impact on other people's lives. To help them find their own "why," to have my own business, to have a better schedule for my family, etc. As I was reading Patrick Turner's notes, I realized it shouldn't be about "why" it should be about "it." 

I recently created a presentation for Tween and Teens - it focuses on five key foundations we all need to help create our life path. I started it with women, and based on feedback I got from some of my clients, they wanted to share the content with their own teenagers. One of them said to me "for as much as your content is helping me, I think my son needs to hear it too." I was humbled and excited that she wanted to share it with him. Please do! That led me to making a few updates to the course I originally created and now I have a version for our children. 

In the presentation I focus on things like why it's important to have big dreams and how to work for them. I talk about diversity, inclusion and the importance of focusing on your "it" - what are you good at? What do you love to do? You see, not all of us are built to be top academic achievers (Lord knows I wasn't). Not all of us are gifted athletes or musicians or artists. Not all of us have a way with words. But we all have something. We all have an "it." The key now, especially with our children is to encourage that. Encourage "it." Support "it." 

I worry all the time about my boys. Are we being too demanding of them? Are we putting too much stress on them to be "well rounded?" We recently started touring high schools in NYC - talk about pressure. You want to know what my husband said to my son as we toured a top school? He said "Wyatt, I want you to know something. I went to high school, your mother went to high school. We both went to college. We both tried a few different jobs before we decided on what we wanted to do. We got married, had a couple of kids, built a life we both wanted together. I'd say we've been pretty successful. I'm saying all of this because the most important things in life are not based on a grade you get or a school you go to. As long as you're happy, that's what matters. That's what we want - for you and your brother to be happy. And whatever that is, we will support it." 

He's a smart cookie that husband of mine. I've been telling my kids the same three things everyday since they were born - be happy, make good choices and I love you. You guys, we have to be better for our children. The amount of pressure we are collectively putting on them is too much. What happened to letting kids be kids? Letting them play outside in an unorganized fashion? To allowing them down time that's not scheduled? Why are WE being competitive for them? 

I'm going to a high school in Massachusetts in March to talk to 400 kids about finding their "it" and I can't wait to tell them how amazing they all are. I can't wait to talk about having big dreams and working for them the right way. About supporting their passions and empowering their friends. About learning the power of mindset and communication and that not one of them is less than the other. We are all equal. We should all celebrate that.

What's your "it?"

My heart is broken for Patrick Turner's family and community. I pray that this tragedy can be turned into something more, but what that is, I don't fully know. We need more dialogue and less shame. We need more support and less criticism. We need more optimism and hope and love. 

I found my "it" after a few tries, and now I'm sharing it in ways I never thought possible. I'm privileged to be able to do what I do. Share motivation and optimism with the world. To help others find their "it." The world needs your stories, we need your "it." If you're struggling and don't feel like you have someone to turn to - find me. Find a friend. Call someone. Talk to a stranger. But please, don't give up. 


Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255


Learning From Failure

You guys. This was originally going to be a very different post. It was going to be primarily based around a recent experience of mine, but instead it's going to be related to the shooting in Las Vegas, because I can't stop thinking about it. Because most of us can't stop shaking our heads and fists about it. 

So here's the deal: our congress has failed us. They have failed us on so many issues but especially on the issue of gun control. It's monumental. I want to start off by saying this: I believe in the right to bear arms. My father was a cop. I've been around guns, I know how to shoot guns. If you want a gun to go hunt for recreation within limits of the law - please go ahead and do that. If you want a handgun that holds a few bullets and you have a permit for it and it's registered - fine. If you feel the need to have an assault weapon that can house multiple rounds of ammunition then no. Just no. That's not okay. 

It's unconscionable to me that we have to take a test to drive a car, and yet we don't have to take a test to own a gun. Someone will undoubtedly say "cars kill too" and yes, I suppose they do, and (most of the time) when a car kills, it's an accident. But when a human being walks into a hotel with bags full of illegal weapons and ammunition with a calculated plan to terminate the lives of innocent people, that's not an accident. That's murder. That's terrorism. There's a difference. 

We need stricter laws. Stricter gun laws do not mean taking guns away. They mean being smarter about who gets the guns. They mean (hopefully) educating others about proper use and ownership. They mean being smart and vetting candidates that are mentally sound enough to use guns responsibly. I truly believe that if we institute a test process, a better vetting process, we can reduce (not eliminate) the gun issue in this country. 

So how do we learn from this? It's unfathomable to me that we're still having this conversation, but it's necessary.

We MUST learn from this as a society.

We MUST stop this.

We MUST have our voices be heard.

Here's the thing people - this government WORKS FOR US. We are their boss. We get to tell them what we want. We need to change our mindset to believe that we will make a difference. How do we do that? We communicate. We call and write to our elected officials and if our officials are on the side of reason, then we reach out to the ones who aren't. Don't be afraid to call a senator in Nevada, for example, to let them know where you stand on the issue of gun control. We cannot stay silent. We cannot allow more of this to happen. 

When will it be enough? When will you stand up and speak out? When it's someone you love? When you're affected directly? Guess what? YOU are being affected directly. Our children are watching. They are seeing how we respond to these tragedies. None of us deserves to live in a society that normalizes events like this. We shouldn't be afraid to go to events, to get on planes, to enjoy ourselves. That should be the norm. It's changing - and we have to stop it before it keeps going. 

Here are links to find your elected officials, take action and learn more about gun laws - educate yourself and please use your voice, it' matters.





Back Together

So I was gone for 6 days last week in Dallas, Texas working on a project that unfortunately has come to an end earlier than expected. It's okay though because while it's disappointing, it's not the end of the world and during my time there, I connected with some amazing people and made some new friends. So thanks, Texas, you're not all that bad. 

While I was gone, my awesome husband took the lead at home with the boys. It was the first full week of school which in my mind made it easier for him - at least the kids were accounted for during most of the day's hours. He still had to usher the little one to school and pick him up (earlier than he typically comes home), move the car for alternate side parking days (non NYC-ers, look it up), to which he bitched and moaned about wanting to sell said car. He had to make (order) dinner every night and make sure our children were bathed and presentable. He had to schlep to soccer practice, games and figure out how it all gets done in the span of 12 or so hours. I got one email telling me how tired he was to which I responded with the ridiculousness that I was in the middle of and gave him suggestions for dinners to make during the week. 

It's not easy being the one who does it all, I know because I'm typically the one. It's a good thing to pass along the responsibilities every once in a while. Usually we're a two parent household with him picking up the slack, but when one of us isn't there, well then, there's no choice and you have to get it done. It also raises awareness...often times we forget just how much goes into daily life organization, especially when there are multiple lives needing to be organized. Luckily, I'm a professional organizer. Prior to leaving I posted little reminder notes all throughout our apartment for all of the boys (you're welcome!). 

I arrived home to one husband with a full beard, he was too exhausted to apparently shave his face, two kids who could not stop hugging me and telling me stories about the days I missed and best of all - our five year old can now wipe his own ass which made the entire trip worth it. 

Welcome home - I missed you guys...(when's the next trip?).
