i’ve got you

Hi, I’m Krista, Certified Life Coach and Grief Treatment Educator, and I’m here to help you through your grief.

I know it’s not a very glamorous or fun subject to focus on, but because of the work I’ve done as a result of my own experiences, I know just how important it is to have the tools and resources to heal from it.

It took me a long time to learn how to address my grief, in fact, as a self described “avoider,” I never really gave my loss experiences the attention they deserved - I got really good at pushing my feelings away to the point that I tried to make everything look okay, when in reality, I was spiraling inside.

It wasn’t until I lost my father, mother and brother in rapid succession, that I fully realized and acknowledged that I needed to learn how to heal properly. As a Certified Life Coach, I knew what I needed to do. As a human, I was scared to do it.

As someone who loves to learn, I wanted to be able to help myself and others as part of my healing process. Education is such an important part of my life and business that I needed to rely on it as one of my tools, so I became a Certified Grief Treatment Educator in order to be able to dive deeper into tools, methods and resources to help me through my grief - and now, help you too.

Grief and loss are deeply personal, and there isn’t one way to grieve. That’s why I created the “You Can’t Tell Me How to Feel” resources. I want you to understand that you have the power and ability to create your own path, on your own terms, in your own time toward your healing.

I’m honored that you’re here, I love you.


MY Mission

To serve as a compassionate guide, supporting individuals through their unique journeys of healing through loss and grief. I am committed to creating a safe and empathetic space where you will feel heard, understood, and empowered to navigate the complexities of grief. My purpose is to inspire resilience, helping you embrace your emotions and find strength in vulnerability. With unwavering dedication, I strive to be a source of comfort, encouragement, and transformation, guiding those I serve towards a future defined by healing, resilience, and the rediscovery of hope.

Krista understands that we all grieve differently, and that every expression of grief is valid. She lays it out in her very forthright manner that makes it easy to understand and absorb – and sometimes
— Madelyn Blair, PhD

you can’t tell me how to feel resources will help you

  • Understand Grief: By exploring the various stages and dimensions of grief to help you make sense of your emotions.

  • Learn how to give yourself permission to acknowledge your loss without doubt, shame or guilt.

  • Validate your feelings with confidence.

  • Create an action plan for each experience that works for YOU.

  • Design Personalized Coping Strategies: Create your own coping strategies and exercises tailored to your personality type and preferences. This is all about you.

  • Build Resilience: By providing tools and insights on how to cultivate resilience and find meaning in the face of loss.

  • Honor Individual Journeys: Acknowledging that everyone's grief journey is unique and encourage individuals to embrace their own process.

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