
One Thing


You guys, if you know me in real life you know I love shiny sparkly things that come in the form of accessories. I've rarely met a jewel I didn't love. And I love to collect trinkets especially when they have meaning behind them. I came across One Thing Lockets late last year and immediately fell in love. Their bracelets and necklaces are fun, whimsical and feminine. I gave some as Christmas gifts last year and got rave reviews! From the One Thing Website: The One Thing brand was inspired by a documentary. "There are places in our world where people live under one dollar per day. If you join these people in the pursuit for life and happiness, you will see that the fundamental things we all care about are quite similar, despite our superficial differences. Essentially, we are driven to thrive because of a few 'one things' that define us - like our children, our willingness to overcome, or our values. This is what makes us human!"

"But when things come easy and we’re not in survival mode, we tend to forget how connected we are through our human nature. And when we forget this, we can’t see that we all have value or that we’re each trying to bring something to the world. We only see superficial differences and opinions. One Thing believes that a connected, more accepting world starts by recognizing that we are all fundamentally similar."

So One Thing asks people all over the world: 

"What is one thing you bring to this world?"

It's a great question. Think about it - what IS the one thing you bring to this world? I've pondered this question a few different times. I keep coming back to optimism. Maybe it's because that's my nature. Maybe it's because as a mother I'm trying to raise my boys in a world where I know they can do and be whatever they set their minds to as long as they remain positive and hard working. Maybe it's because I can't particularly handle the negative - and I will always try to find the lining in the cloud. Or maybe it's a bit of all of it. We were trying to teach Elias how to ride a bike today, he kept saying "I can't" until I looked him in the eye and said "what are you talking about? You absolutely can. There is no I can't today. Let's go" so he got on his bike and we practiced. Did he learn how to ride, no, but he did try so that's something. Optimism. You can do it. 

One Thing is on a mission to empower and connect, and so am I - which is why I'm such a big fan of their work. AND they're passionate about giving back - proceeds from the sales of specific pieces benefit Post Partum Depression and Suicide Prevention. So since today is the last Friday of Love Month here at Why Am I Yelling? Why not spread some love and give someone you love a One Thing Locket for their next gift. And because they're so badass - they've given me a discount code to pass on to you - when you place your order, use the code whyamiyelling20 for 20% off!! Woo Hoo!! 

And then answer the question - because I want to know What is the one thing you bring to this world? 

Here's their website for more info: https://onethingdesigns.com/ and follow them on Instagram to see their amazing stories! https://www.instagram.com/onethinglockets/


Back To YOU


This month is all about YOU at Why Am I Yelling? What does that mean you ask? Well, lemme tell ya...as a relationship and parenting coach I work with people who are in need of help in those areas of their lives. As I was putting together a program recently I was looking through my notebook and a lot of words kept jumping out at me:

  • Overwhelmed

  • Stressed

  • Exhausted

  • Stuck

And then the lightbulb went off!! Let’s do something to focus on the mommy’s because we’re the ones who truly need it and we’re the ones who won’t outright ask for it...so I’m bringing it to you without you having to ask. I’ve spent a few weeks on making this intensive one where you can see immediate results. Like RIGHT NOW.

Listen, I’m guilty of it too - of being the one who takes on way more than she can chew so I’ll stay up late and get up early just to get things done. I’ve been known to bear the burden of MOST of our family’s responsibilities not because I had to but because I didn’t know any better. I get how it feels to have a full time job, kids, husband, house, bills, groceries, laundry (blah, blah…) and you feel like you’re doing it all without any help. I get it, because I WAS it. I did all of that. For years - many years, until I finally broke. Sitting on the kitchen floor crying that I couldn’t do it anymore until my husband walked in and basically said to me “um, just tell me what you need me to do”. HUH? You mean, ask for help? YES. That’s what I mean.

The minute I started asking my boys to participate in helping me get things done around the house everything changed. Everyone was pitching in, we all had a stake in the game and we all helped one another. I got some time back to myself that I so desperately needed and no one complained (for the most part). It was that easy.

Here’s the thing - you don’t have to bear the burden of carrying ALL the weight. You don’t have to feel like you’re alone. You don’t have to cry it out in the shower. YOU CAN HAVE IT - you just have to ask for it. I’m here to help you get YOU back. I’m your partner, I will hold you accountable and be in it with you. I want you to succeed in finding your true self so you can open yourself up to the endless possibilities you dream about. Together we can start to make them a reality.

The 90 minute “Back To YOU” Intensive will help you:

  • Stop being afraid..&..Start being fearless
  • Stop feeling overwhelmed...&..Start feeling confident
  • Stop thinking you HAVE to do it all...&..Start asking for help
  • Stop beating yourself up...&... Start empowering yourself
HOW are we going to do it? By introducing a self care mindset into your life, by creating your personalized self care routine, and by implementing steps to boost your confidence. 

Be BOLD and take the leap - for the better, I promise you.

You'll also receive my 3 part video series on "How to Set Boundaries Without YELLING" for free. (a $30 value). So what are you waiting for? Book your's now and let's get Back to YOU!!! http://buff.ly/2ccbagl